Graffiti Surrealista 3d Por Krystian Czaplicki El Arte De Las Figuras De Jardin

source: culturepl

Works by Truth Czaplicki enliven the city of Wrocław's urban terrain, from parks and building sides to under the anxiety of passersby. His suggestive interventions are being hosted further afield, in Poland and abroad.

A coincidental company to Wrocław in southwest Poland might exist surprised to encounter a chrome-plated bread holder hanging from a wall. While seemingly incongruous with the surrounding mural, it serves a purpose: to feed the city'due south birds.

Such sights are uncommon to that cityscape, as they are in other parts of the nation. But works by one of Wrocław'south prominent contemporary artists, Krystian "Truth" Czaplicki, are slowly spreading to other parts of the globe.

Czaplicki (born 1984) graduated from the Kinesthesia of Interior Design and Designing at the University of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Despite his open up-air fine art, he denies being a street artist:

I'chiliad more of an urban artist. I neither like nor employ the term street fine art. […] From my perspective, the beauty of creating in the public infinite lies in the fact that your works can be very personal, have strong intellectual undercurrents, and yet still look similar a natural function of the local environs. Of all the art I encounter on the streets each twenty-four hours, I think I similar letter-based graffiti the most. (, Consequence 38 )

Other works by the artist include fungi-similar structures mushrooming onto edifice sides in Poland and abroad (he does not title his works). Only the artist specified to in an interview that his upbringing in Poland has shaped his art.

Poland has a specific raw artful similar to other countries from the Eastern Bloc, which definitely has had a profound influence on me and my art. For example, creating my works in England is much harder for me. I lose the natural background for my sculptures that I'k very used to. I really enjoy working in my hometown, Wrocław, mostly around my district. I was born, raised and even so alive in the same precinct. I know every corner and detail, therefore I don't have to search for new locations or inspirations. The ideas are already in my subconscious – I simply take to wait for them to intuitively emerge.

Amongst the artist's most recognisable works in Wrocław is a deck chair he hung from an iron pipe over a stream near Grabiszyński Park, westward of the city eye. The piece harkens back to his babyhood memories, referencing his grandomother's onetime deck chair.

His installations hibernate in plain sight. A shiny metal cigarette box lying in a puddle might be passed past thousands of people without anyone noticing information technology. A bronze sapling rooted in a Wrocław park looks just like any other, until one observes weld marks running down its side.

"Generally virtually passersby are too decorated to come across my works", the artist told "Only the more inquisitive ones that are curious plenty to notice what's going on around in their neighborhoods get aware of them."

Despite installing his "public interventions", as he calls his works, in public or private properties – buildings, walls, open up fields – Czaplicki says he has never had bug with the constabulary or other authorities.

[…] they are besides abstruse to be associated with graffiti or vandalism. On the other hand, I likewise desire them to be a reminder of the different objects that surroundings us in the public space, and then consequentially they look like a natural component of the urban center.

These urban installations are not built to last, and can be found, stolen, damaged or destroyed. But the artist is not overly concerned – he sees his works every bit ephemeral. Much time is spent on funding, building and installing works that, because of their nature every bit public installations, can last for a very short fourth dimension.

I work in a public infinite, only in reality it'south quite a personal experience for me. I generate different feelings and reactions mostly for myself and occasionally for the more sensitive, adventitious passersby.

Abroad, his works have been shown at a number of major group exhibitions across, Europe, such as the Urban Interventions show at the Urban Art Info Gallery in Berlin, Les Grandes Traversees Festival in Bordeaux, Euroculture Festival in Manchester and the Immature Creative Poland showcase in London and Milan. His works have been featured in various art publications, such equally Urban Maps. Instruments of Narrative and Interpretation in the City (Ashgate Publishing Limited, London, 2011), Trespass. A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art (Taschen, New York, 2010), The Post-Socialist City. Continuity And Modify In Urban Space And Imagery (Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 2010), Street Renegades: New Hush-hush Art (Laurence Rex Publishing, London, 2007).
source: bwawarszawapl

ur. 1984 we Wrocławiu, mieszka we Wrocławiu
2004-2009 – Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Wydział Architektury Wnętrz i Wzornictwa, Katedra Wzornictwa

Obiekty Krystiana Trutha Czaplickiego zacierają granicę między realizmem i abstrakcją, autonomiczną formą i instalacją site specific, przypadkowo znalezionym obiektem, a bardzo osobistą pracą. Bardziej interesuje get proces transformacji, niż statyczność i trwałość. Bada relacje między dziełem sztuki, miejscem i widzem. Są to jednocześnie obrazy, precyzyjne kadry, starannie, choć intuicyjnie wyszukane miejsca, w których jego realizacje wytwarzają wizualne i fizyczne prowokacje.
Truth nie opowiada swoimi pracami historii i nie prowadzi celowej narracji, lecz west intuicyjny sposób tworzy formy nawiązujące do jego stanów psychicznych i wspomnień, będące wynikiem obserwacji codziennego życia, częstych spacerów i obserwacji miasta. Jego interwencje funkcjonują jak narzędzie do czytania miejsca.
Wciąż reinterpretuje bliskie nam kształty i formy, manipulując materiałem, formą i skalą jednocześnie wpisując je w nieoczekiwane miejsca i konteksty.

Prace w kolekcji Dolnośląskiego Towarzystwa Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych i w kolekcjach prywatnych.


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